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Triangle Green


More than 20 years ago, the Legoli landfill was transformed into a state-of-the-art waste disposal and treatment centre. Later, the entire area around it became a venue for cultural activities, events and shows with the addition of the Torre Mazzola Amphitheatre, the Municipal Library and the Fonte Mazzola Archive. Adding to the ambience are the "Presenze" giant human figures made of polymers and cement fibres created by Naturaliter, the colourful and geometric decorations on the containment walls and tanks of the landfill by David Tremlett, and the drawings on the external walls of the Mechanical Biological Treatment plant by cartoonist Sergio Staino.


Monday - Friday
08:30 am-05:00 pm
08:30 am-01:00 pm
Triangle Green

Via Libbiano-Legoli, 54, 56037 Peccioli PI, Italia

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