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Shrine House of St Catherine


The Sanctuary of St Catherine, which includes the former home of the Benincasa family, the birthplace of the saint, consists of various porticoes, loggias, churches and oratories from different eras. Access to the complex is through the Portico dei Comuni d'Italia, desired by the Archbishop of Siena Marco Toccabelli on the occasion of the nomination of Saint Catherine as Patron Saint of Italy by Pope Pius XII in 1939.
Inside, there are two loggias, the oldest of which was built in 1550 by Giovan Battista Pelori. A portal leads to the 17th century church, where the crucifix from which the saint received the stigmata is kept. The church also houses a bronze votive lamp placed in memory of the mothers of fallen soldiers during World War II, which is lit annually by one of the Italian municipalities or an association of municipalities.
Opposite the church is the Oratory, which used to be the kitchen of the Benincasa house. The 16th-century building retains a majolica floor, a coffered ceiling, a wooden choir and, on the walls, paintings depicting scenes from the life of the saint.


Sunday - Saturday
09:00 am-05:30 pm
Shrine House of St Catherine
Costa Sant'Antonio, 6, 53100 Siena SI, Italia
Call +390577288175
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