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Crypt of the Duomo di Siena


In 1999, during some restoration work in Via dei Fusari, a surprising discovery of great historical value came to light: a room, entirely painted over an area of 180 square metres, dating back to the second half of the 13th century. After about three years of cleaning operations, experts, art historians and archaeologists were faced with a remarkable revelation that would contribute new insights into the history of medieval art. The chamber had been plugged and filled with debris in the 1300s and remained hidden for seven centuries. Original colours and subjects, together with intact architecture, were thus brought to light, bearing further witness to the 13th century school of Siena and its most eminent exponents: Guido da Siena, Dietisalvi di Speme, Guido di Graziano, Rinaldo da Siena.
Crypt of the Duomo di Siena
53100 Siena SI, Italia
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