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Pieve di San Clemente


In the Pieve di S. Clemente a collection of sacred art was set up for preservation purposes, consisting of works from the churches of the municipal territory: paintings, statues, altarpieces, triptychs, accessories of various types, decorations and objects of worship ranging from 1200 to 1900. Some of these were created by famous artists (the Master of Montefoscoli, Niccolò di Pietro Gerini, etc.), others by unknown but very talented craftsmen. The various objects demonstrate a widespread and well-rooted religious feeling in the local communities. This is not a true museum exhibition, but a temporary exhibition set up with their liturgical functions in mind. About ten paintings from various churches in the area are placed on the walls of the nave, the counter façade and the altars. Liturgical furnishings are kept in the chancel showcases, while the sacristy houses reliquaries and other 18th-century liturgical objects.

Pieve di San Clemente
Piazza Cavalcanti, 1A, 50060 Pelago FI, Italia
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