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Elban village steeped in history 

Not far from the renowned Marciana Marina lies the small village of Marciana, also known as Marciana Alta. This is one of the many sites that make the Island of Elba a destination worth discovering not only for its beaches and sea, but also for its historical and architectural beauty.

The town, whose origins date back to 35 BC, is rich in archaeological remains and retains a largely medieval layout, with its gateways and narrow streets. A cable car close to the village takes you in just a few minutes to Monte Capanne, the highest peak on Elba.

Don’t skip a visit to the nearby village of Poggio, where time seems to stand still and where you can cool down at Napoleon’s spring. The spring, once known as Fonte Acquaviva, was renamed in memory of the emperor’s long stops here during his exile in Elba to drink the superbly fresh water, the beneficial and healing properties of which are still renowned today.


Via del Pretorio, 68, 57030 Marciana LI, Italia

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