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"Monsignor Corrado Leonardi" Diocesan Museum


The Museum, located in the former Bishop's Palace built at the end of the 16th century, was skilfully converted into the Renaissance style thanks to the work of Francesco di Giorgio Martini, Gerolamo Genga and the stonemasons of Sant'Ippolito (15th-16th century). The diverse heritage of the diocese can be seen in various rooms, including the Lapidarium, the Ecclesiastical Library, the Diocesan Archives, the Hall of Honour, the Silver Room, the sacred vestments, the Bishop's Giustini Room and the Metaurensian Mannerist Room, decorated with the artwork of prominent artists such as Federico Zuccari, Giovanni Giacomo Pandolfi and Claudio Ridolfi. There is also the Reception Room, the Madonnas Room and the section dedicated to Urbino ceramics: from the majolica of Castel di Ripe (1200-1272), to that of Casteldurante (1271-1636), to that of Urbania (1636-1993), the entire production from the 13th to the 20th century. The last room exhibits 20th-century ceramics, as proof of the continuous production of high quality objects in Urbania.


11:00 am-01:00 pm
04:00 pm-06:00 pm
Tuesday - Saturday
11:00 am-01:00 pm
04:00 pm-06:00 pm
"Monsignor Corrado Leonardi" Diocesan Museum
Via Urbano VIII, 7, 61049 Urbania PU, Italia
Call +390722312020
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