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Porto San Giorgio


Porto San Giorgio is a small town located on the coastline of the Marche region. It is an important seaside resort with a sandy beach, numerous accommodations and a well-equipped marina. It features an upstream part with the Castle district and the Fortress and, beyond the state road, the marina.

Tiepolo Fortress stands mighty and solitary with its keep, and the walls of the Guelph battlements are protected by tall pine trees. The historical 'Vittorio Emanuele' theatre from the early 20th century, the 19th-century Church of San Giorgio, Villa Bonaparte, built at the request of Napoleon's brother Girolamo Bonaparte, who stayed in Porto San Giorgio between 1829 and 1832, and the baroque Suffragio Church are all worth visiting. Countless stately mansions intertwine with the more popular alleys; green corners and squares alternate with brand new buildings. The promenade is embellished with centuries-old palm trees, enhanced with paving and lighting framing Art Nouveau buildings in a fascinating setting. The town’s typical dishes are garagoli (sea snails in red sauce and spices) and brodetto. Its traditional food products include vin cotto (mulled wine).

Festa del Mare is held in August with the giant Adriatic frying pan (4 metres in diameter at the bottom and 6 metres at the rim, with a capacity of 1,000 litres of oil); quintals of baby squid and sardines are fried during the festival. The International Festival of Chess is held here every year in September, featuring professional players from all over the world.

Porto San Giorgio

63822 Porto San Giorgio FM, Italia

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