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An ancient citadel of Roman origins, Fossombrone reveals traces of its mediaeval past in its historic centre, located on the slope of a hill and dominated by a fortified citadel, inside which one can admire the remains of the Rocca Malatestiana, in whose courtyard stands the Church of S. Aldebrando. It is a town rich in culture, Fossombrone: those who wish to seek out history and traditions, art and beauty, will have plenty of choice here, among the numerous churches, palaces and museums, including the Church of San Filippo, the 14th-century Church of Sant'Agostino, the Church of San Francesco and the Cathedral with its neoclassical façade, the Corte Alta and Corte Bassa and the 'Augusto Vernarecci' Civic Museum.


61034 Fossombrone PU, Italia

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