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Rising at the top of a hill on the left bank of the Nevola River, the village of Corinaldo is a member of the National Association of Oil and Honey Cities and a European Tourist Destination of Excellence. Among the personalities who have woven their history here, Santa Maria Goretti certainly stands out, whose relic is preserved in the sanctuary dedicated to her. But Corinaldo is also famous for its events, including the 'Contesa del Pozzo della Polenta', held every year on the third weekend of July and the oldest historical re-enactment in the province of Ancona, and, moving from the past to the present, the 'Festa delle Streghe' (Witches' Festival), held from the weekend before until Halloween on the streets of the village, which are transformed for the occasion into a mysterious and 'horror' scenario.


60013 Corinaldo AN, Italia

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