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Ticino Valley Natural Park


Exploring biodiversity, among over 6,000 species 

The Ticino Valley Natural Park, Europe’s first river park, covers an area of about 91,800 hectares, of which about 20,500 are protected as part of a nature park. It comprises 47 municipalities between Lake Maggiore and the Po River in the provinces of Varese, Milan and Pavia

Thanks to its wealth of ecosystems, it boasts a heritage of biodiversity with no equal in the Po Valley: between animals, plants and fungi, there are over 6,235 recorded species. The Park territory is criss-crossed by over 750 kilometres of cycle and pedestrian paths, including over 100 kilometres along the canal banks, which allow visitors to explore long-distance itineraries of natural, religious and cultural interest. You can book a guided tour in the “Register” section of the website. 

The castles of Vigevano, Pavia, Somma Lombardo and Bereguardo stand out among the numerous castles in the area. The are has two sanctuaries: the Madonna della Ghianda in Somma Lombardo and the Madonna delle Grazie in the Bozzole di Garlasco hamlet. Meanwhile, among the abbeys, we recommend visiting those of Bernate Ticino and Morimondo. Don’t miss the archaeological finds collected and catalogued in the Civic Museum of Sesto Calende, the Lomellino Archaeological Museum and the Archaeological Museum of Arsago Seprio.

Ticino Valley Natural Park

Via Isonzo, 1, 20013 Ponte Vecchio MI, Italia

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