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Gran Sasso and Monti della Laga National Park


The perfect balance between nature and humanity

Located in the heart of Abruzzo, Gran Sasso and Monti della Laga National Park is one of the largest parks in Italy. Its 150,000 hectares cover the provinces of Teramo, L’Aquila and Pescara and 41 towns. 

The park is a rich depository of geological, environmental, anthropological and cultural heritage. Within it, nature and humans have lived in harmony for centuries: the vegetation, with over 2,300 recorded species, forms a backdrop to small villages, churches, abbeys and castles, streets, caves and even necropolises.

The Gran Sasso is one of the dominant sights in the area, the mountain of Abruzzo par excellence. Its peaks, the highest in the Apennines, culminate in Corno Grande, Corno Piccolo, Pizzo d’Intermesoli and Monte Camicia. It is among these places that the Abruzzo chamois, the Apennine wolf and the Marsican brown bear, which has made its reappearance in recent years, live, thanks to the relentless efforts of the Park Authority. 

Among the most beautiful paths is the Cammino Grande di Celestino, which consists of 13 stages totalling 250 kilometres: it links L’Aquila and Ortona and can be walked in six days.

Gran Sasso and Monti della Laga National Park


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