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Gran Sasso d'Italia


The beating heart of the Apennines

In the heart of the Apennines, the Gran Sasso National Park is the natural bridge to central Italy, spanning the regions of Abruzzo, Lazio and Le Marche. A nature reserve of an impressive size, it protects more than a fifth of all European flora. 

The park is mainly known for its views and nature trails, including the Strada Maestra del Parco trail, the Capannelle Pass, Lake Campotosto and Campo Imperatore, also known as “Little Tibet”. This area also features villages and monuments of great cultural interest. Santo Stefano di Sessanio, for example, is an ancient medieval village that is well worth visiting. Originally built from white limestone, it still has a fortified historic centre. 

Rocca Calascio is certainly a point of interest for anyone who loves exploring historic monuments: it is a defensive outpost consisting of a square fortress, the remains of the four towers of which can be admired today. From this point, you can enjoy some of the most beautiful views of the entire Gran Sasso area.

Gran Sasso d'Italia

Gran Sasso d'Italia, 64047 Pietracamela, Province of Teramo, Italy

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