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07 December 2024 - 21 December 2024

Natale in Piazza a Chirignago 2024


Associazione Commercianti di Chirignago C2020 is organizing "Natale in Piazza", a series of events that will bring life to Piazza San Giorgio on December 7, 8, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, and January 6. "Natale in Piazza" is part of the "Le Città in Festa" event lineup.

The festivities kick off on Saturday, December 7, with the Mercatino della Solidarietà, open from 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM, and the Mostra dei Presepi created by the youths from the Centro Don Orione, set up in Villa Bisacco and open from 2:00 PM to 6:30 PM. Starting at 3:00 PM, the square will be filled with the lively Moto Babbo parade, featuring motorcyclists delivering gifts to the children of Casa Nazareth. At sunset, the giant Christmas tree will be lit.

On Sunday, December 8, in the morning, in addition to the Mercatino della Solidarietà and the Mostra dei Presepi, there will also be a vintage car exhibition and the chance to take a photo with Babbo Natale.

On Friday, December 13, at 8:45 PM, the Christmas Time concert by Vocal Summit will take place, while on Sunday, December 15, from 8:30 AM to 1:00 PM, the Casette della Solidarietà will open, hosting various local charitable organizations.

From December 16 to 21, the Panchine animate. Semi di cittadinanza attiva project will take place, a social initiative aimed at revitalizing benches in the area.

The celebrations will conclude on Sunday, January 6, with Arriva la Befana!, a joyful event held from 8:30 AM to 1:00 PM at Azienda Agricola Don Orione, during which children will receive stockings filled with sweets.



Venice, Metropolitan City of Venice, Italy

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