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Orange Flag of the Italian Touring Club

Along the hairpin bends of the road to Manciano, near the Sanctuary of the Madonna delle Grazie, at one point you have an extraordinary view of Pitigliano: the houses grafted overhanging the edge of the tuffaceous boulder dotted with cavities, with the grandiose arches that hold the aqueduct designed for the Orsini by Antonio da Sangallo. All around the hills of the Fiora river valley and the evocative "hollow ways" of the Etruscans.


is the origin of the town, which then wore a medieval-Renaissance dress under the lordship of the Orsini, between 1293 and the 16th century. Don't miss the grandiose Orsini Palace, now a museum, the Baroque Cathedral, the Church of St. Mary, the Jewish Ghetto with the Synagogue of 1598, a memory of how the Jewish community was flourishing to such an extent that the city was called "Little Jerusalem".

At the table you drink the White wine of Pitigliano and sample different typical dishes such as aquacotta, wild boar, eviction (typical Jewish dessert), sweet tortello and migliaccia.


58017 Pitigliano GR, Italia

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