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The Vasari Corridor


History, landscapes and life in Florence, from “a different perspective”.

The Vasari Corridor is part of the Uffizi museum complex, together with the Pitti Palace and the Boboli Gardens. The one-kilometre-long route was designed by Giorgio Vasari to connect the Medici administrative offices in Palazzo Vecchio with the private residence of Palazzo Pitti on the opposite bank of the river.

As well as serving a practical purpose as a solution to the need for Medici family members to move around safely, the Vasari Corridor is also a symbol of prestige. It is a bridge rather than a corridor, offering views over the city from “a different perspective”, in a route that still houses a large collection of paintings and self-portraits that tell the history of Florence

The Vasari Corridor

Corridoio Vasariano, 50125 Firenze FI, Italy

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