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In the heart of the Non Valley, about twenty kilometres upstream from Castel Thun, Tassullo is part of the municipality of Ville d'Anaunia, a historic possession of the prince-bishops of Trento surrounded by terraced orchards that descend to the right bank of the Noce river. In short, it is located in the "Paradise of Apples". Where, if not here, is the agricultural heart of the Non Valley?

Tassullo is dominated by the octagonal tower of Castel Valer, which at over 40 metres is considered the highest of its kind in Trentino. The entire complex is a real village, rather than just a castle, and has been mentioned in documents since the 13th century.  The castle can be reached from Tassullo in a fifteen-minute walk. The guided tour, to be booked in advance, passes through the "rooms" named after the family of the prince-bishops Madruzzo, the Stube with a large sixteenth-century majolica stove, the Gothic kitchen with period dishes and pots, and the chapel of San Valerio decorated with frescoes from the Baschenis dynasty.


38010 Tassullo TN, Italia

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