The Carnival of Acireale is recognized as a Historical Carnival of ancient origins. The first official document that mentions the event dates back to 1594.
From 1880 the parades of themed papier-mâché floats began, initially preceded by the joyfully decorated carriages of the nobles; later papier-mâché floats were designed as there were many craftsmen in the city who used this technique for various decorations.
Only in 1930 were the "floral cars" introduced, i.e. cars decorated with flowers, a peculiarity that is still present today, even if the old cars have long since disappeared giving way to blooming floral floats.
The carnival now takes place in the beautiful Baroque setting of the historic center, its heart at the splendid Piazza Duomo with the elegant white stone of the churches and noble palaces and the warm black color of the lava pavements.
The rich program revolves around the parades of grotesque papier-mâché floats conceived and created by the masters of Acesi, champions of symbolic satire and unrivaled papier-mâché craftsmanship; Floral floats, unique to the Acese carnival, combining the gentle nature of flowers with the spectacular character of the carnival, and parades of masked groups in fantastic and audacious costumes.
Then there’s the public: the general public at the Carnival of Acireale, are an irreplaceable "ingredient" of the joyful, touristic Sicilian event. A human tide that pours alongside the circuit, which itself becomes an attraction of the goliardic show: hundreds of thousands of visitors, during the various parades, coming from all over Italy, and also from beyond the Alps.
The Carnival mobilizes the entire city with sporting and cheerful events, games in the neighborhoods, and in the Associations for the elderly. All the events are sponsored by the Foundation that also holds competitions such as the one for miniature floats and small papier-mâché works designed and built by youngsters and teens, a reservoir of future craftsmanship.