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A village that intertwines history, nature and traditions, Gonnostramatza is a small centre in the Marmilla region, located in a fertile and generous land, rich in almond trees, olive groves and vineyards. It is a village cut in two, Gonnostramatza: the Rio Mannu flows through it, dividing it into two districts, 'su xiau mannu' (the large district) and 'su xiadeddu' (the small district), and the passage from one district to the other is possible thanks to three bridges, reminiscent of stitches sewn by the skilled hands of a tailor. Its territory has been inhabited since the remotest times, as witnessed by the discovery of artefacts of great archaeological interest, including the necklace from the Aeneolithic tomb of 'Bingia e Monti', the oldest gold jewellery found in Sardinia. And finally, the village has an identity that is closely intertwined with its traditions, such as the patronal festival in honour of Saint Michael Archangel, between ritual, folklore and spirituality.


09093 Gonnostramatza OR, Italia

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