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The town is located on a rocky spur – the "pesco" in the name – which is located in the middle of the valleys of the Trigno river to the east and the Savone to the west and in alignment with the Castel di Sangro-Lucera trail, for which it has long served as a refreshment stop for travellers.

Below one of the most impressive castles in Molise, which looks down on the upper Trigno valley from the top of a limestone rock, is an ancient village surrounded by a fortified wall, 750 m long with houses built into it. During the 18th century, under the rule of the D'Alessandro family, what was once a forbidding fortification was transformed into a luxurious palace. It is known as Castello d'Alessandro, one of the most beautiful in the province of Isernia. At the beginning of the 18th century, Duke Pasquale d'Alessandro, aided by the finest artisans in Capodimonte, opened a majolica and porcelain factory here. In just a few years, the pottery gained widespread acclaim. Do not miss a visit to the Museum of ceramics set up in the former tavern of the manor. 

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86097 Pescolanciano IS, Italia


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