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Torrente Callora Nature Reserve


Around Roccamandolfi is a wild territory rich in different natural environments where forests alternate with scree and rocky spires, meagre pastures, caves and deep gorges. To the north-west of the village, under the crags of the Maginulfo castle, some 50 hectares of wilderness are protected by the Torrente Callora Nature Reserve, established in 2003. The Callora, a tributary of the Biferno River, flows at the bottom of a gorge with overhanging walls, creating jumps and real waterfalls, taking in streams that flow embedded in smaller gorges and dispersing here and there in a web of rivulets among the rocks. Its waters encourage the growth of a vegetation of saxifrages, a type of herbaceous groundcover plant, which blossoms spectacularly in spring. In the reserve, you can experience adrenalin rushes, for example by going canyoning in the valleys. But excursions can also be very exciting: not far from the Maginulfo Castle, a Tibetan bridge in metal stretches more than 230 metres over a 140-metre deep gorge.

Torrente Callora Nature Reserve

Via S. Sebastiano, 86092 Roccamandolfi IS, Italia

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