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Castel del Giudice


The village of Castel del Giudice rises at an altitude of about 800 metres, on the border with Abruzzo, in an area rich in vegetation. The land surrounding the village is cultivated with apple orchards: after focusing on agriculture and cultivation, particularly organic farming, the village has entered the Città del Bio (Organic Town) circuit, a project that has seen the joint commitment of the administration and local population and that over time has been able to enhance one of the identities of this territory, that linked to agriculture and production of the highest quality. And then, immersed in a green and enchanting landscape, there is the village: old stone houses, small churches with an intimate and cosy atmosphere. Over all the authentic hospitality of the inhabitants, a welcome that warms the heart.

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Castel del Giudice

86080 Castel del Giudice IS, Italia

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