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Civita di Bojano


Behind Bojano is the Civita Superiore, for everyone the Civita di Bojano. It is the ancient acropolis of the town, perched in a dominant position on a rocky spur that reaches almost 850 metres. From Bojano, it can be conquered in little more than 3 kilometres, along an uphill road immersed in the forest: at a few bends, the vegetation opens up to offer sudden panoramic views. The small village of Civita, fortified and now almost completely depopulated, has preserved its mediaeval identity and today is an Eco Museum in the open air. Freely accessible, especially in the summer, it is home to mediaeval re-enactments, festivals, traditional markets and cultural events. Along steep alleys, low houses overlap each other; from the belvedere a spectacular view opens up, embracing the plain and the major peaks of the Matese, up to the high valley of the Biferno river. Higher up are the remains of the Pandone Castle (or Norman Castle), which collapsed in 1456 due to an earthquake. About 120 metres long and 30 metres wide, the castle was built in the Lombard or Norman era as a defensive structure, but was later transformed into the main residence of the Counts of Molise.

Civita di Bojano

86021 Civita Superiore CB, Italia

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