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It lies along the upper valley of the Cesano River on a wide terrace at the confluence with the Cinisco. Testifying to Pergola's glorious past are the famous Golden Bronzes from Cartoceto di Pergola from the Julio-Claudian period, discovered in 1946. The ensemble constitutes one of the very few large gilded bronze equestrian sculptural groups from Roman antiquity that have come down to us, and can be seen in the dedicated museum at the former convent of San Giacomo. The museum also houses an art gallery with paintings and wooden works and a contemporary art section with graphic works by master Walter Valentini. The ancient Ducal Palace, the Malatesta Palace and the 18th-century Angelo Dal Foco Theatre, recently restored after years of neglect, are worth a visit. Pergola's most prized product is the truffle, to which the National Fair of the Pergola Prized White Truffle and Typical Products is dedicated in autumn. In addition to its excellent red wines, Pergola DOC and Colli Pesaresi DOC, Pergola is famous for its Visciole wine.


61045 Pergola PU, Italia

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