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The village of Offagna rises close to Monte Conero and is a typical medieval village: a symbol of this strong link with its history is the Rocca (fortress), which towers over the surrounding landscape and recalls its ancient defensive role. The Rocca di Offagna was built in the mid-15th century on the remains of a previous castle and is one of the most fascinating in the entire region: it has a quadrangular shape and still today one can admire the donjon, intact, inside which is the Museum of Ancient Weapons, and the defence walls, along which runs the patrol path with its swallow-tailed battlements. To complete the atmosphere, every year in July the Feste Medievali (Medieval Festivals) return, an event that revives the ancient tradition of the Contesa della Crescia, the challenge between the four districts of the town.


60020 Offagna AN, Italia

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