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A town that was the birthplace of the famous Renaissance architect Donato Bramante, to whom the Contemporary Art Gallery of the same name is dedicated, Fermignano is famous for its most ancient history. A village of Roman foundation, it was the scene of the Battle of Metauro, in which the Carthaginian army commanded by Asdrubale was defeated. Legend has it that it was here, on the hill of Montelce, that Asdrubale was buried and that his tomb was visited by Montaigne, Giacomo Leopardi and Giovanni Pascoli. More recent history, on the other hand, comes into the present with two events held in the village: the Palio della Rana and the Grand Prix of the 19th-century Bicycle, ancient re-enactments that tell the story of an active and modern village.


61033 Fermignano PU, Italia

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