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Belforte all'isauro


A land of honey and truffles, Belforte all'Isauro stands on a rocky spur in the upper Foglia valley, on the border with Tuscany. A symbol of its past and its events, it remains the castle, built during the early Middle Ages on an earlier Lombard settlement, which for centuries performed a defensive function for the town. The castle underwent many alterations over time, but its final appearance came with the architect Francesco di Giorgio Martini, who rebuilt it according to the wishes of Duke Federico di Montefeltro. But the castle's history does not end here: in 1874 a noble Prussian baron, Hermann De Tenneret-Baron de Beaufort, bought it convinced that it belonged to his ancestors, and then donated it to the town of Belforte.

Belforte all'isauro

61026 Belforte all'isauro PU, Italia

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