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Appignano del Tronto


History, streams and ravines

A small village on a hilly ridge, surrounded by waterways. The comune of Appignano del Tronto, in the province of Ascoli Piceno, is divided by three streams: Chifenti, Pioppo and Volubile. From Ascoli, you can reach the village by car, or if you take the bus on Viale De Gasperi, the journey takes 35 to 45 minutes.

The historic centre boasts a small, Romanesque-Gothic artistic gem: the church of St John the Baptist, flanked by a high 14th-century bell tower and adorned with a Renaissance rose window. Inside is a painting by Simone de Magistris and a 14th-century terracotta Pietà sculpture. Also worth visiting are the Romanesque-Gothic Church of St Michael Archangel and the Church of Santa Maria del Piano Santo, home to the Coronation of the Virgin, a fresco by the artist known as the “Master from Offida”.

We also recommend exploring the nearby hills surrounded by greenery and countryside. Around you, you can admire the ravines: sun, rain, snow and frost continually erode and transform these slopes, creating a stunningly unique landscape.

If you happen to visit Appignano between 30th and 31st December, don’t miss the folkloric Procession of the Old Year, when everyone welcomes in the approaching new year with performances, food and drink tastings, and parades in which the lines between the sacred and the profane blur.

Appignano del Tronto

63083 Appignano del Tronto AP, Italia

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