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The home of tailoring with a history stretching back thousands of years

Millennia of history are wrapped up in the streets of Filottrano – a small village in the province of Ancona, in the Marche hinterland. The heart of the village is Piazza Mazzini, which divides the elegant Corso del Popolo. The square has an arcade flanked by an arch, known as Porta Nuova or Porticella, with a flight of steps leading to the oldest part of the city. 

Next to the steps, visit the Chiesa degli Angeli, a deconsecrated church that, before the 2016 earthquake, housed a beautiful nativity scene so large you could walk between the papier-mâché statues. Another highlight of Filottrano is the Church of Saint Francis, with its unfinished façade and elegant wooden quire.

But Filottrano is best known for being one of the major centres for tailoring in Italy. The first textile businesses opened here in the 1950s and today the village is synonymous with Made in Italy and high quality. The history of this tradition is explored in the Museo della macchina da cucire (Sewing Machine Museum). If you are interested in the history of Filottrano and its surroundings, don’t miss the Museo del Biroccio, dedicated to the traditional agricultural carts of the Marche region.


60024 Filottrano AN, Italia


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