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Val Trompia


The Iron Road

It’s one of three main valleys in the province of Brescia, also known as the 'iron road'. This mineral was already abundantly exploited by the Romans, who had a hard time subjugating the belligerent local populations and reducing them to cheap labour. In the footsteps of this ancient tradition of Val Trompia, you can explore an area that is still wild and full of surprises.

Follow the River Mella, whose millennial presence has shaped the development of the metal industry and craftsmanship. Don’t miss the Museum of Arms and Traditional Weapons in Gardone Val Trompia. Admire precious arquebuses dating back to the 16th century and signed by Bartolomeo Beretta who created one of the oldest and longest-lasting industrial enterprises in the world, precisely in this area.

Make your way to the industrial archaeology site of Tavernole sul Mella, an open-air ironwork cathedral, and discover the magic of the ancient iron masters. If you are looking for an unusual experience, in Pezzaze you can go inside the old Marzoli mine on characteristic wagons.

Val Trompia

Val Trompia, 25060 Marcheno BS, Italia

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