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Terme dei papi


A source of well-being as old as the earth itself

Viterbo is home to the beautiful Terme dei Papi (Thermal Baths of the Popes), so called because they were the favourite destination of many popes in the Middle Ages. Renovated in the late 1980s, they are an established name in the spa and health wellness market. The spa complex features characteristic ancient Roman architecture.

The undisputed stars of the site are the natural resources, including the waters of the Bullicame spring and the fantastic muds from the volcanic lake of Bagnaccio: their exceptional curative benefits have been enjoyed since ancient times. You can opt for mud-balneotherapy, effective against joint rheumatism, for cave therapy, in a natural cave into which hyperthermal water carries sulphurous vapours, or for inhalation cures, excellent for chronic pathologies of the upper and lower airways.

The Terme dei Papi also offer visitors the pleasure of plunging into the 2,000-square-metre Monumental Pool, generous not only in size but also in hyper-thermal water, which flows steaming from the spring into the pool from the scenic stone mouths.

The spa offers unique experiences in both summer and winter.


Sunday - Monday
09:00 am-07:00 pm
Wednesday - Friday
09:00 am-07:00 pm
09:00 am-01:00 am
Terme dei papi

Str. Bagni, 12, 01100 Viterbo VT, Italia

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