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Santa Severa


Santa Severa is the small and pretty hamlet of Santa Marinella, a sea outpost since ancient Etruscan times, and the castle, which overlooks the sea, has remained a sentinel of this function. The Museum of the Sea and Ancient Navigation is now housed here, preserving the stories and secrets of the intricate bond that unites this land to seafaring life. And this seafaring essence is also in its cuisine: Santa Severa is in fact famous for its lobsters, cooked with passion and skill. The port, on the other hand, is in nearby Santa Marinella, a cove protected from northern winds and storm surges, a safe haven for the small boats that animate and colour it in summer and winter, and for the seagulls that stop there in search of food. A simple, authentic beauty.

Santa Severa

00058 Santa Severa RM, Italia

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