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Sant'Andrea della Valle


Between 1590 and 1650, the construction of the Basilica di Sant'Andrea della Valle was funded mainly by Cardinal Alessandro Peretti, nephew of Sixtus V. Giacomo della Porta, Francesco Grimaldi and Carlo Maderno dedicated themselves to the work. The latter was tasked with completing the façade, which was entrusted to Carlo Rainaldi between 1655 and 1665. Inside, in the shape of a Latin cross, many artistic masterpieces from different periods can be admired, from the 15th century, represented well by the Tomb of Pius II, to the 20th century with the Chapel of San Gaetano Thiene, but it is the 17th century that boasts the most, so much so that it is labelled as a synthesis of the Baroque style in Rome. The dome designed by Maderno is the third highest in the city, after those of San Pietro in the Vatican and Saints Peter and Paul in EUR.

Sant'Andrea della Valle
Sant'Andrea della Valle, Piazza Vidoni, 6, 00186 Roma RM, Italia
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