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Piazzetta del Pozzetto


The square with memories of pirates

An ancient fishing town that has become one of the most popular destinations in southern Lazio, especially among international jet setters, Sperlonga is known for its beautiful sea, white houses typical of seaside towns, and narrow streets that follow one after the other among steps, alleyways and squares. One such square is known as Piazzetta del Pozzetto.

It is a real gem of this small town that opens up in the middle of narrow alleyways, among white cottages covered in flourishing ivy. The square sits adjacent to a monastery that was built by the Benedictines in 1100. In the square there is a small well in the characteristic white colour of the town.

On one of the surrounding walls, you can admire a mural that was painted in the 1970s by an anonymous artist. The artwork recounts the 1534 raid on Sperlonga by the pirate Khayr al-Dīn, who set the town ablaze and tried to kidnap Giulia Gonzaga, the widow of Vespasiano Colonna, famous for her beauty. The idea was to “gift” the beautiful woman to Sultan Suleiman I. However, the pirate’s plan went down in flames because Giulia, who lived in nearby Fondi, managed to escape to Campodimele, where she hid and found safety.

Piazzetta del Pozzetto

Via Guglielmo Marconi, 2, 04029 Sperlonga LT, Italia

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