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The historical centre of Gallese stands on a tufa plateau guarding the Tiber Valley.

Founded as a Falisco settlement, a contemporary population of the Etruscans, it was abandoned during Roman rule and moved to the plain below. With the fall of the Roman Empire and the ever-increasing threat of barbarian invasions, the population moved back to the more defensible plateau.

An important centre for Christianity, it was the birthplace of two popes and became the domain of the most important Roman and other families such as the Orsini, Colonna, Borgia and della Rovere families.

Over the centuries, walls were extended and churches and palaces were built, making Gallese a small treasure trove of timeless beauty.

It is worth visiting the cathedral and the numerous noble palaces, and attending the celebrations of San Famiano, with the famous historical procession full of participants, which is part of a framework of events, both musical and folkloric, including the Rain of Fire: a suggestive pyrotechnic cascade along the crenellated walls of Gallese.


01035 Gallese VT, Italia

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