Boretto, a port with incredible fauna

The journey begins in Polesine Parmense, a Po Valley town between Parma and Piacenza. A choice dictated by the palate: in fact, the town is home to the Culatello Museum, included in the Food Museum circuit. Before embarking, you must stop at the site and at Al Cavallino Bianco, an old tavern frequented in the early 1900s by those waiting for the ferry to reach the opposite shore.
From the harbour, the river continues in wide bends: a pleasant travelling sensation at the water's edge between poplar groves, tongues of sand and flights of seagulls. After the first bridge, we reach Isola Pescaroli, small river town, where the Sanctuary of the Madonna della Fiducia stands at its edge.
Past Foce del Taro, sail along a picturesque stretch to Maria Luigia Island, dedicated to Parma’s Duchess. Overnight stop in Boretto.
Borgoforte, ancient Mantuan fortress

We depart from Boretto, after visiting the Museum of Navigation. The river bends northwards, offering visions of the tropics: colonies of herons with hundreds of nests suspended among the willows, gulls, egrets and night herons darting through the sky. A few kilometres and you reach Dosolo, in the lower Mantuan area.
Then, glide between the very green stretch of islets, at the confluence of the Oglio, and continue to the historic pontoon bridge. Return to the Po, sailing carefree to Borgoforte, to leave the next day.
Sermide, on the right bank of the Po

The itinerary continues from Borgoforte, the heart of river trade in the Gonzaga era. Stop at San Benedetto Po and visit the splendid Polirone Abbey, a Renaissance masterpiece. Once past the mouth of the Mincio, sail up the river to Ostiglia, then on to Revere where you can admire the reconstruction of the Po mill. Next destinations: Boschina Island and Boscone Island, with their large lowland oaks. The river follows a deep bend, stretching towards Sermide, destination for the overnight stay.
Crespino, home of the Water Museum

From Sermide, the itinerary includes a stop in Stellata, to visit the pretty fortress guarding the river. Next, head for Isola Bianca, natural oasis documented since the 16th century. Past the bridge on the Padua-Bologna motorway, straight on to Ferrara, bordered by the lower branch of the Po delta, then on to Crespino, on the Veneto shore, below Rovigo, where you can spend the night after a visit to the Water Museum.
Gorino, where the river embraces the sea

Departing early from Crespino, head for the centre of the Po in the direction of the Villanova Marchesana floodplain. At the threshold of the great delta, change route toward the so-called Po di Goro. Step ashore in Ariano and continue on foot to Massenzatica to admire the fossilised dunes, evidence of the coastline in Roman times. Return to the boat and look around: every turn is a flight of birds, many of them trans-Saharan migrants. Disembark at Gorino for the last night.
Bacucco Lighthouse, landing on the island of love

The descent of the Po has come to an end, from Gorino travel a few more kilometres, then the Adriatic awaits. The red herons on the reeds, the sand tongues subject to the tide, the salty breeze blowing lightly accompany you as far as the Sacca di Goro, a deep inlet cultivated with clams and shellfish. Sun, seagulls and cormorants: a fairytale landscape. Disembark at the Bacucco lighthouse. They call it island of love and it is easy to guess why. Finish your crossing in a setting of pure magic.