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Caorle is a splendid seaside town, or rather a maritime town: in addition to the beautiful beaches, in fact, the heart of the town is the fishing port that nestles in the old town centre transformed into a pedestrian area, the small houses painted in pastel colours, and the narrow streets that recall the ancient Venetian echo. Everything here faces the sea. The Church of the Madonna dell'Angelo, for example, which stands overlooking the cliff and recalls the seafaring soul of the town's inhabitants, who have always made their living from fishing. Or the Duomo, next to which stands a circular bell tower that for centuries acted as the town's guard, controlling the sea and its possible dangers. And again, Porto Santa Margherita, Duna Verde and the Caorle Lagoon, a naturalistic area of great beauty characterised by the 'casoni', constructions used in the past by fishermen as their residence during fishing periods.


30021 Caorle VE, Italia

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