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Umbertide lies in the Upper Tiber Valley territory, in a green valley dominated byMonte Acuto, a very fertile area thanks to the presence of theTiber River, which flows through it for about 50 kilometres. Still today, the village retains its picturesque historical centre surrounded by ancient medieval walls. One of the town's most important monuments is the15th-century fortress, now used as a Contemporary Art Exhibition Centre.

The octagonal church of Santa Maria della Reggia, known as the Collegiata (16th century), and the church of Santa Croce (1610), currently used as the Civic Museum, are worth a visit. The latter houses the Deposition from the Cross by Luca Signorelli (1516) and a large painting by Pomarancio. The church of San Bernardino (1556), the church of Santa Maria della Pietà (1486), with a fresco attributed to Pinturicchio, and the church of San Francesco, the oldest in Umbertide (1299), are also of interest.

Not to be missed every year, in September, are the “Feste di settembre di fine Ottocento”: a historical re-enactment offering culture, music and cuisine typical of the 19th century. The programme includes performances, culture, popular games and poetry of the time recited with great authenticity.


06019 Umbertide PG, Italia

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