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Città di Castello


A Renaissance oasis in the heart of mediaeval Umbria. The palaces in the historic centre are a legacy of the Vitelli seignory, which built the palace, Palazzo Vitelli a Sant'Egidio, Palazzo Vitelli alla Cannoniera, which was the marital home of the Vitelli family, while today it houses Umbria's second most important picture gallery, where paintings by Raphael and Luca Signorelli can be viewed. Other valuable museums are the Cathedral Museum, the Textile Collection Museum of Umbrian Canvas, and the Grifani-Donati Typography, a living museum of the art of printing. From ancient and modern art to contemporary art, as Città di Castello displays much of Alberto Burri's artistic legacy, a selection of his most famous pieces and series of art in the Burri Collection, the Ex Seccatoi del tabacco and the Museo della Grafica.

Città di Castello

06012 Città di Castello PG, Italia

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