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Paneveggio Pale di San Martino Nature Park - Villa Welsperg la Casa del Parco


Villa Welsperg is an old building located near the lake of the same name, which has been transformed into a visitor centre of the Park Authority. The villa consists of three buildings: the actual villa, a small church and a barn.

It is surrounded by a garden and a large pasture that transforms into a peat bog. The villa was built in 1853 and, after being the residence of the Welsperg Counts, was renovated and equipped to house the administrative and technical offices of the Park Authority.

Paneveggio Pale di San Martino Nature Park - Villa Welsperg la Casa del Parco
Via Castelpietra, 2 loc. Val Canali, Tonadico San Martino di Castrozza TN IT, 38054 Primiero, TN, Italia
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