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Troina, an ancient town in the heart of Sicily, is one of the most beautiful villages in Italy

Its origins date back to prehistory, but it is with the Byzantines, the Arabs and the Normans that its most glorious period began. The first Norman cathedral in Sicily, dedicated to Maria SS. Assunta, was erected here. Besides an interesting archaeological itinerary, it offers a rich architectural heritage. Fascinating are the traditional ceremonies: the Festa dei Rami (on the penultimate Sunday in May), the Ddarata (the following Sunday) and the Intrallazzate, old ditties in verse. Gastronomic products include: vastedda cu sammucu, cooked in a wood-burning oven; 'nfasciatieddi and cudduri (biscuits); and piciocia, an ancient peasant dish. Located in the Nebrodi Park and close to Lake Sartori, it lends itself to long walks or horseback rides.


94018 Troina EN, Italia

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