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A valuable example of biodiversity

A small volcanic island located one and a half kilometres northeast of Stromboli, Strombolicchio is formed by the remnant of an ancient volcanic chimney and attracts many tourists every year.

On its slopes, you will find vegetation of great interest to naturalists. The rare rupicolous grenade, an endangered flower, grows here. Other plants include the rock carnation, the red rock violacea and the cliff radicchio, and on the summit you can also find tree spurge and ephedra. The seabed here is populated with algae, sponges, marine annelids, bryozoans and gorgonians. Due to its abundance, the island has been declared an Integral Nature Reserve. Among the distant rocks, you can make out the 8-metre high lighthouse, inaugurated in 1938.


Isola di Strombolicchio, Italia

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