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Capo Murro di Porco


The tip of the Magdalena Peninsula

Capo Murro di Porco is one of the most striking places on the Maddalena Peninsula, the area south of Syracuse known as the Plemmirio Marine Park, which is one of Italy's 29 protected marine areas.

Capo Murro di Porco represents the tip of the peninsula, a large cliff overlooking the sea dominated by one of the oldest military lighthouses in Sicily. It can be reached on foot or by bicycle by following the Sentiero della Maddalena path that crosses the peninsula from Punta della Mola in the north or from Via degli Zaffiri in the south. What makes this place even more fascinating when the sea is rough is the effect that the mighty waves manage to create by crashing into the reef, similar to that of geysers pouring out of crevices in the rocks. There is one more reason that the marine area surrounding Capo Murro di Porco is classified as Zone A: it is not possible to swim, sail, fish or dive at any time of the year, without exception.

Capo Murro di Porco

Str. Capo Murro di Porco, 96100 Siracusa SR, Italia

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