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 An ancient city

Alghero is an ancient city as recounted by the nuragic complexes of Palmavera and Sant'Imbenia, and the domus de janas of Santu Pedru and Anghelu Ruju, whose name refers to the ochre-coloured rocks used at the time of their construction for rituals linked to blood and regeneration. A land of ancient origins, but also - and above all - a land of the sea. The territory of Alghero, where traces of Catalan domination can still be read today, includes the protected marine area of Capo Caccia - Isola Piana, which guards a jewel of immense value, the spectacular Grotta Marina di Nettuno (Neptune's Sea Cave), which contains many stalactites and stalagmites.

Enchanting sea, caves, a very interesting Coral Museum that tells the story, the economy and the biology of this red gold that is born right into the sea: Alghero has a seafaring soul that defines it and intertwines with its daily life, in a perpetual dance like the motion of the waves.


07041 Alghero SS, Italia

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