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San Sperate


The museum-village

San Sperate is a municipality in southern Sardinia, about 20 kilometres from Cagliari, famous for its beautiful murals, sculptures by Pinuccio Sciola and agricultural production.

The city centre is characterised by buildings with walls coloured by murals. Walking through its streets is a total immersion in art. The murals, over three hundred in number, are all different and each one tells a story.

The creation of these works of art throughout the village was promoted by Pinucio Sciola, a great artist, who over the years has managed to turn this village into a creative workshop, attracting local, Italian and international artists. Sciola is also the author of several stone sculptures, the sound stones, which evoke ancestral sounds when rubbed with the hands or other stones. As a tribute to his memory, a megalithic garden was created in San Sperate, where several of his sculptures are exhibited.

Excellent citrus fruits and peaches are grown in San Sperate

San Sperate

09026 San Sperate, South Sardinia, Italia

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