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High on a limestone hill rises Sagama, which dominates the entire valley from up there: from the village, the gaze wanders over the colours of the countryside and the dark basalt stone, and reaches out to touch the green woods, vineyards and the rushing flow of fresh springs. This rich and hospitable territory has always been home to peoples and ancient settlements, so much so that the remains of these civilisations, the spectacular tombs of giants and the nuraghi are still visible today. The historic village developed around the church of San Michele Arcangelo, built in 1604 and housing the wooden statue of St Michael, of precious workmanship, and several paintings of the 18th-century school. One of the town's most important festivals is dedicated to Saint Archangel Gabriel, which is celebrated on 24 March and brings the inhabitants together in an atmosphere of faith and ancient rites.


08010 Sagama OR, Italia

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