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San Giovanni Tower


The San Giovanni Tower is a stone sentinel, keeping watch over the sea below. It also marks the southern boundary of the Posada coastline, which continues north in a long, uninterrupted stretch of sand as far as the mouth of the Posada river. The tower was built in the early 17th century to protect the Baronie from constant attacks by the Barbarians, and has been abandoned and restored many times over the centuries. Although it hasn't been used for its original purpose for more than two centuries, thetower still watches over the seaside village of San Giovanni and the nearby harbour at Caletta, both ideal places for a relaxing break.

As a cultural heritage asset protected by the Ministry of Culture, the watchtower is a splendid landmark that offers great photo opportunities and takes you back in time to a turbulent and fascinating past.

San Giovanni Tower

Viale San Giovanni, s.n.c, 08020 San Giovanni NU, Italia

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