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Nuragic Village of Tiscali


Journey through time

Magical, mysterious, hidden. These adjectives are almost obligatory to describe a place that seems to belong to a different space-time dimension, isolated in the bowels of a mountain.

A unique treasure in terms of architecture and topography, the Nuragic settlement of Tiscali is set within the folds of a vast doline formed by the collapse of the roof of Tiscali mountain, between the Nuoro municipalities of Oliena and Dorgali. A real alternative world, cool in summer and warm in winter, sheltered from sun, wind and rain. A must for archaeology and nature enthusiasts.

You can reach it by following the old paths trodden by the area's charcoal burners, and equipped paths that branch off on opposite sides. Be careful, however, not to improvise; the hike is demanding and so it is best to rely on experienced guides for an unforgettable and safe experience.

Once at the top, you will have the opportunity to walk along the inner edge of the doline, now colonised by holm oaks and junipers, until you reach the spectacular ruins of the settlement: remains of huts, dwellings, wells and burial grounds. A leap back in time over thirty-five centuries.


Sunday - Saturday
09:00 am-07:00 pm
Nuragic Village of Tiscali

Monte Tiscali, 08022 Dorgali NU, Italia

Call +393388341618 Website

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