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The ancient village of Milis, surrounded as it is by a lush plain of citrus groves cultivated for centuries, introduced to the area in the Middle Ages, is also called the "city of oranges". The Church of St Paul's is a Romanesque building erected between 1140 and 1150, the construction of which was completed between 1200 and 1225, with the addition of the two-coloured wall face at the top of the façade made of basalt ashlars, sandstone and green tuff. The interior has a single nave with a wooden truss roof and houses a retablo from 1503 ("Crucifixion and Madonna and Child with Angels"). In the centre is the 15th-century parish church of St Sebastian. Opposite, the 18th century Boyl palace houses a cultural centre with a small picture gallery and the Museum of Sardinian Jewellery and Costume, with a collection of clothes and reproductions of 19th and 20th century paintings illustrating their evolution over the last 200 years.


09070 Milis OR, Italia

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