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Necropolis of Pranu Mutteddu


Sardinia's Stonehenge

The Archaeological Park of Pranu Muttedu is located a half-hour drive from Cagliari, just outside the village of Goni. Surrounded by the Gerrei countryside, in the southern part of Sardinia, lies the 200,000-square-metre park, one of the largest and most impressive archaeological sites in Sardinia.

Once home to the Neolithic Ozieri culture, it boasts the highest concentration of menhirs in the whole of Sardinia. You can admire about 60 of these proto anthropomorphic standing stones, arranged in pairs, lined up or grouped together, sometimes found within tomb structures.

The tombs and menhirs link the area to the religious veneration of the dead and burial rites. The large pre-nuragic monumental complex is located on a rocky platform and is divided into several settlements: a group of huts, the burial grounds of Pranu Mutteddu and Nuraxeddu, the Domus de Janas necropolis of Genna Accas, and the dolmens of Baccoi.

Today, the hills are covered in Mediterranean scrubland and cork trees, making it a very picturesque location. We recommend visiting early in the morning, when the rising sun makes the atmosphere even more magical. You can explore the site independently or with a guide.

Necropolis of Pranu Mutteddu

SP23, 09040 Goni SU, Italy

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