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Emilio and Joyce Lussu Historical Museum


The museum is dedicated to the writer and politician Emilio Lussu, born in Armungia in 1890, and to his wife Joyce, writer and partisan. Through pictures, writings, documents, videos and autobiographical stories, the recently-installed multimedia exhibition traces the life and political career of Emilio Lussu from the early days until the Great War, the fight against fascism and the aftermath of World War II. The museum is located in the "Secretary's House", a beautiful residence built at the turn of the twentieth century in the town's main square. The writer's birthplace in the Cannedu quarter, which is one of the places on the museum itinerary, is built from the traditional local shale, a type of stone that is quite easy to work with.

Emilio and Joyce Lussu Historical Museum

Casa del segretario, SP6, 09040 Armungia SU, Italia

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